Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lindsay Lohan & dot dot dot

I seem to blog about a lot of actresses, just thought I'd get that out there. Anyway. Lindsay Lohan is in the news again, as if she ever left, but I feel the need to spill my guts out about her. I like her.

I like her freckles. I like her raspy, sounds-a-lot-older-than-she-really-is voice. I like her hands. I like her 5-year-old smile. I like how she acts. I am a fan, what can I say. There's no denying she's a troubled starlet, but whenever I'm in line to pay for my groceries as Target and see her on the cover of People or Us, I always find myself hoping that she will bounce back on her two white feet a la Robert Downey Jr. (even though I don't really know what happened there, I just refer to it because everyone else does - I'm too young to really know what happened there).

I root for Lindsay. I know she can win an Oscar. She's a star. She' better than Emma Stone and Kristen Stewart, despite how much I like both of them. She's better than any young actress and all those actresses have jobs because Lindsay is out there dangling with hers. I shouldn't have said that. I say Lindsay on The Tonight Show. I was this close to getting tickets because I wanted to see Kristin Chenoweth, but had school. Man, I regret missing The Tonight Show for school now. But anyway, this isn't about me. It's about Lindsay. I'm excited to see her star in a movie in the future. I'm excited to see her on the cover of Nylon and Elle and Vogue, and maybe write a short story on the 'Shouts & Murmurs' section of The New Yorker.

There's three parts to the Lindsay Lohan Tonight Show interview, but you should definitely check it out. The answers are probably rehearsed, but Lindsay looks nice and it's just nice to see her not being surrounded by flashing lights and gloomy settings.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chateau Marmont

Don't be lazy LA girl. Get up. It's a beautiful day today to put on your fancy pants, blow dry your hair, maybe spend 30 minutes whitening your teeth (you've been having too much coffee lately), and definitely a beautiful day to drive to the Chateau Marmont. Yes, call your two best girlfriends. They'll say yes. I just went to the Chateau Marmont two weeks ago. It was my very first time, but it most definitely will not be my last. The Chateau is a part of high culture unlike that pop record you keep listening to. It will make you feel fancy and important. Dianne took me as a birthday present because she knew how much I was dying to go. And it's not a matter of not being able to go because of finances or whatnot, but it's just one of those things that aren't a priority because well, you don't know what to expect, especially if you're not Kirsten Dunst or some other celeb. But trust me, it'll be fine. Go. And it's not like they're a hotel with a restaurant, no. They're a hotel and a restaurant (or home and a restaurant). Their food is delicious. Their severs are pretty people. The place is awesome. All I can remember is being super intimidated as I walked up to the host to ask for a table, but it the afternoon turned out to be one of the best. Don't be shy by the Bentleys and Rolls Royces in the garage. The valet is for everyone.

Je t'aime le chateau marmont.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Elizabeth Olsen was on lastnightsparty

I read somewhere that Elizabeth Olsen looks like what we all thought the Olsen twins were going to look like when they go older. I don't completely agree because I love the Olsen twins, specifically Mary-Kate, but I'll admit, Lizzie is prettier. So she's been silent all these years. The first time I even knew that the Olsen twins had a sister was when they called one of their clothing lines Elizabeth and James because of their younger siblings. But since Sundance, Lizzie Olsen has been making noise -- good, pleasant noise.

Lizzie is twenty-two and she's went to Tisch in New York (lucky girl). She seems much more invested in acting that her sisters and Mary-Kate (since Mary-Kate has been the one to act outside of the Dualstar Entertainment Group). But this post isn't about how I think Lizzy is great and how much buzz she's been getting since never, but I found something... interesting.

Last summer I spent my time partying in Miami. I went to a few clubs, a few bars and crossed paths with the infamous Cobrasnake of the East Coast -- lastnightsparty. I'm an LA girl and I've never seen the Cobrasnake, but on my second day out in Miami, I ran into Merlin Bronques. He's just like everyone says he is.

I've always like lastnightsparty, he's a pretty interesting guy. I watched his series of videos on Vimeo, which you should definitely watch. They're dirty and sexy, and one of them includes the one and only Lizzie. She's not doing anything crazy like the other girls in the videos. She plays a girl names Lizzie, who's somewhat of a loony and talkative New York girl. She blabs about Fiona Apple and her MTV speech while eating a slice of pizza. I added the video below, so you can see. It's pretty awesome since, well, she's probably going to be a big fucking star.

Monday, March 28, 2011

It wasn't love at first sight, this time

I didn't know Lykke Li had a new record out. It's not that I'm not a devoted fan because, I am. I've seen her live thrice and I discovered her before the indie kids. But I clearly remember her saying that she wasn't going to make another album for some time. Mmm, now that I think about it, three years is some time. But she kept putting live shows and singing the same material that I figured it be at least five years before she made another album. So when I read, like two weeks ago, in Foam magazine that Lykke Li had a new album out, I wanted to punch the wall. But I waited, until last week. One of my best friends got me the CD, along with a BCBG grey clutch for my birthday and I couldn't wait to listen to it. I got home after my birthday dinner on Thursday and listened to that bad boy. 

It was okay the first time I listened to it. It had to grow on me. Wounded Rhymes didn't suck me in like Youth Novels had in 2008. Wounded Rhymes has grown on me since I first listened to it four days ago, and I've learned to love a handful of songs by now. But the insta-feeling was so different when I listened to Youth Novels for the first time. I think the big issue is that Youth Novels felt so personal, and at the time I was still a teenager, and I had just gotten my heart broken. It was the perfect music to listen to during that time in my life. Now I'm 22, and definitely not in love. But I think that even if I was, Wounded Rhymes wouldn't feel like the super personal masterpiece that Lykke Li's debut was. Wounded Rhymes is a strong follow-up, and maybe I just set the bar too high, (like when I watched The Big Lebowski and was disappointed because everyone had said how great it would be -- bar too high), but what else can you do when you get something like Youth Novels?

Wounded Rhymes is still growing on me and I want to be in love with it soon. It might've not been love at first sight, but this won't stop me from loving Lykke Li -- she's a poet and beautiful. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

cameron diaz - our pussys, our choice

Cameron Diaz is one of the earliest actresses I remember, not because she's old, but because I'm young, I suppose. The Mask was one of those first movies I watched over and over again. I was 4/5 when that movie came out, and I remember watching it through my childhood. It was one of the movies I didn't have to cover my innocent eyes for 3/4 of the movie. I think that's why I loved it so much. And the puppy was cute. But Cameron Diaz is a favorite of mine. She's smart, she's gorgeous. She's tall. She can act. And more importantly, she can pull off a comedic character, and that comes so rare in, not just women, but people. So Cameron Diaz is getting and award, and I thought it was a perfect time to just talk about her and show off some pictures of this great woman. CinemaCon is naming her Female Star of the Year.

I actually just saw "Charlie's Angels" for the first time. I know, gasp. But don't judge, it's not like you've ever read The Great Gatsby. Hey it happens. I loved it. I loved the whole James Bond-feel to it. And this coming from a lady who has watched almost (except the new-new ones) all of the James Bond movies (hey, it's part of being an American). I loved all the Angels. Cameron Diaz, Lucy Lu, and Drew Barrymore are all favorites of mine. And they're women who kick ass, in movies and in the real world. 

I think I had to check the IMDB page to make sure I was watching Cameron Diaz in "Being John Malkovich." It was strange, but she was aces. She's hotter Catherine Keener, but in this movie she's completely transformed. She's smart and funny, and horrendous looking (wink). "Being John Malkovich" is one of my favorites. Such a weird concept, and it was made all the better for having a cast that included Cameron Diaz.

Aw! I still remember watching "My Best Friend's Wedding" at the theatre. I was with my cousin and we had to sit among the first "sucky" rows of the theatre. I hate it, but once the film started I was in awe. It was beautiful, and I loved Cameron Diaz, even though I loved Julia Roberts more. I couldn't hate her because, well, who can blame a person whose in love? (don't dwell too deep on that question, it's not a secret) I'm just saying. 

For a while, "Gangs of New York" was a favorite of mine, until The Graduate. I know completely different. But I absolutely love this move. I love Daniel Day Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese and Cameron Diaz. Who would've known that she could pull an accent like that? Aw, I think I'm going to pull out this move and watch it right now. If only it wasn't 3 hours long.

If we were stuck in the Golden Era, Cameron Diaz would've long won an Oscar for being one of those actresses who can pull off comedy. Sadly, all the Academy seems to care about is dark and bordering on mental roles. Hopefully this blonde beauty gets hers because it's long overdue.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

strike of genius

I just had a brilliant idea. I think. Hopefully. I love blogs. I do. I love writing. Heck, it's what I'm studying to be, a creative writer. My business card says 'writer' on one side, for crying out loud, but I'm somewhat of a flake. My English teacher in the 12th grade called me 'Flakenstein' (ouch!), but I had a strike of genius, just know. I know what I want to write about. I love film. It's one of those things you really can't explain, all I can say is that whenever I see a film in a theater (you know the ones you actually want to pay to see) or read a piece of good news or see filmmaking equipment, my heart beats faster.

My friend Jo and I went to the Tonight Show yesterday afternoon. Rainn Wilson was there and blah, we love him. Anyway, that's beside the point. Yes, I'll arrive at the point. While we were waiting for the show to start, I told her that every time I saw a cameras, filmmaking equipment, apple boxes, you name it, my eyes widened and all I could think was, "oh, fun, I want to play." I told her how that shows what kind of person I am. I saw that she was confused, so I went deeper and gave her examples. Like when someone who really wants to be a musician might see drums, microphones, guitars, and think what I think when I see film stuff. Or how someone who loves to cook sees an awesome oven or pots and pans, and thinks how great it would be to cook with those objects. Or a person who loves cars and sees car parts. She understood. I don't get these happy and exciting thoughts when I see a drum set or an oven or an awesome motor, I get them when I see some lights, sandbags and cameras. So I know, that what I want to write about concerns film (and possibly TV).

But I don't want a website like The Hollywood Reporter or /Film even though they are awesome. I want a blog where I can express myself and be mean and super nice. I don't like to be completely unbiased because I have biased opinions. At the same time, it seems like only fashion blogs get all the attention and fashion bloggers get all the perks. I love fashion, but that's not my subject. I like to sit in the stands and yell out, "Yay!" But when it comes to film, I want to be the damn pitcher.

So my first idea was to start a blog about film and to pick some piece of news and just say what's on my mind, but I got a better idea, hence the name of the blog. Reel Runaways. Women. Yes. Guess it yet? I think I'm still developing the idea in my head, but my idea is to cover the women in film. My best friend gave me a book for christmas 'Women in Film.' It's a sign. Film is a man's world, and I hate it because I'm a woman. But just because the men are on top doesn't mean women aren't pretty amazing filmmakers. I'm excited. I love film. I love being a woman. I love this challenge. I love this idea. I can express myself and my passion and talk about those amazing women making films. I want to be one of them someday. Geez, I will be one of them some day. My name is Laura and I'm a filmmaker (smiley face).

(Sofia Coppola, Tonight Show audience, young Jodie Foster, Bonnie Curtis, Kathryn Bigelow)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mama Fox gets Knocked Up?

If there is one person doing romantic comedies right, it's Judd Apatow. There's others, but Apatow is the man.

Quick side note: A friend of mine got to meet him/be in the same room as him/take orders from him, and I hate him for that.

So, the Man, as I like to call him, is giving "Knocked Up" a second go, and I couldn't be more thrilled. "Knocked Up" is my favorite Apatow movie, and possibly, possibly, on my top 10 list! I know, crazy! But it's because the film was just that good, and because it had an amazing, hilarious director.

The second best piece of news, and I think I'm an exception even among guys, is that Megan Fox is in negotiations to star. I love Megan Fox. She has yet to prove herself as an actress, but she's beautiful, and I appreciate beauty. I can see, though, how many might think this to be a disaster. She wasn't great in "Jennifer's Body," even with the hilarious script. Will Apatow make it happen? I hope so. I would hate to have a pictured ruined by an actress.

Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann are coming back as husband and wife. This is still very recent so there's no word on what role Fox will play. So far, I'm excited.

(source: The Hollywood Reporter)

drew barrymore rom-coms

That said, there's a new New Line Cinema romantic comedy in the works. Drew Barrymore who made her directorial debut with the completely fun Whip It! will be at the helm of this project. She was great in "Going the Distance" but I'm not too excited about a film that is going to be titled "How To Be Single." Also, what the title doesn't tell you is that it's based in New York, so the title should actually be "How To Be Single (coma) in New York." Ahem! Didn't Carrie Bradshaw teach us that already?

Here's the thing, Liz Tuccillo did actually work on the "Sex and the City" series on HBO, and also wrote the book He's Just Not That Into You. She's also the write of the How To Be Single book.

While I was driving to work (down the cruel 101 freeway) Ralph from the Kevin and Bean show said something really funny about the news. He's sick, right, and he said something like, I don't mind dying because I won't be missing anything with this movie. I agree. I love the Barrymore. She's amaze! But why must she direct a romantic comedy that we've seen 105 times? No, I don't want to explore the love lives and breakups of a group of New Yorkers over the course of ten years. Why? Because they'll probably all be super hot, super rich, mainly white (or ethnic white), and whiny. I want a film based on the life of Abbie Hoffman (Ben Stiller, here's looking at you. Get on it!)

(source: The Hollywood Reporter)

It's a lie, Harry Potter and I ARE the same age

I don't care what you hear, or don't - Harry Potter and I are the same age. The same year he was 11 years old, I was 11 years old. That was 2001. Now, I know that J.K. Rowling's world might not be set in the 21st century, but if it was we'd be same age. That's not the point. The point is that movie Harry Potter and I should be the same age. So if you 18-year-old kids are feeling 'special' because Harry's your age in the film that came out last year, don't fool yourself, because he's not. The directors and studios it wrong, and that's that. All the kids who are 21 know this. And also, Daniel Radcliffe is also 21. I'm glad I got that out the way.

So I know everyone is a Harry Potter fan because if you're not, you're probably a terrible person. So I won't bore you with facts about the film because you already know. Aren't we happy about summer? I'm going to Comic-Con this year so I'm super excited , mostly because of Harry Potter. Well I just read the news that ABC will be airing behind-the-scenes footage of Deathly Hallows numero dos, comments from director David Yates [the director of the two last "Harry Potter" movies], and bits and pieces of the actual last film, and ABC will do this over a delicious 5-course meal (from "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" to "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"). Yum!

It is going to be a Harry Potter weekend and other than a few hours of studying (for midterms), I'm more-than-likely going to be glued to the TV set. Join me! The actual schedule if below:

(source: cinematical)

Monday, March 14, 2011

at the Arclight, you made my heart smile

When I woke up last Friday, all I could think was -- movies! I hadn't been to the theater in quite some time because I wasn't into what was being released, until 'Jane Eyre.' I dragged myself all the way to Hollywood because the film is only playing at the Arclight. Don't get me wrong. I love the Arclight. It's big. There's no lines. And you get to see the rich and famous from time to time. But the damn theater is still about 20 minutes away from my neighborhood (say NO to Hollywood housing). Well 'Jane Eyre' was all that and a bag of chips, and worth the $13.50 (plus lunch I spent at Yoshinoya). But that's not what this post is about. I don't want to review 'Jane Eyre.' Go see it, if it's playing near you. This is to brag about a new upcoming movie that got me so excited while I was sitting by myself at the theater. First see the trailer and then I can divulge on my excitement for the movie.

Isn't it wonderful? It's so, so wonderful (repetitive much)! The dog, Christopher Plummer, and ... Melanie Laurent. I wasn't expecting this preview so when I saw it, it totally made me ubber happy. Trailers set my mood for the film, and this trailer did it for me. So I'll give you a quick synopsis of what the film will be about...

A young man (Ewan McGregor) is rocked by two announcements from his elderly father: that he has terminal cancer, and that he has a young male lover.

I admit, the plot sounds a bit extreme. However, this is a talented cast who can make something as extreme as this work.

'Beginners' is opening at the 54th San Francisco International Film Festival on April 21st. The film was written and directed by Mike Mills. This is his second feature film. I never saw his first, but I have high-hopes for this one. 'Til June 3rd, 'til June 3rd.