Tuesday, March 22, 2011

cameron diaz - our pussys, our choice

Cameron Diaz is one of the earliest actresses I remember, not because she's old, but because I'm young, I suppose. The Mask was one of those first movies I watched over and over again. I was 4/5 when that movie came out, and I remember watching it through my childhood. It was one of the movies I didn't have to cover my innocent eyes for 3/4 of the movie. I think that's why I loved it so much. And the puppy was cute. But Cameron Diaz is a favorite of mine. She's smart, she's gorgeous. She's tall. She can act. And more importantly, she can pull off a comedic character, and that comes so rare in, not just women, but people. So Cameron Diaz is getting and award, and I thought it was a perfect time to just talk about her and show off some pictures of this great woman. CinemaCon is naming her Female Star of the Year.

I actually just saw "Charlie's Angels" for the first time. I know, gasp. But don't judge, it's not like you've ever read The Great Gatsby. Hey it happens. I loved it. I loved the whole James Bond-feel to it. And this coming from a lady who has watched almost (except the new-new ones) all of the James Bond movies (hey, it's part of being an American). I loved all the Angels. Cameron Diaz, Lucy Lu, and Drew Barrymore are all favorites of mine. And they're women who kick ass, in movies and in the real world. 

I think I had to check the IMDB page to make sure I was watching Cameron Diaz in "Being John Malkovich." It was strange, but she was aces. She's hotter Catherine Keener, but in this movie she's completely transformed. She's smart and funny, and horrendous looking (wink). "Being John Malkovich" is one of my favorites. Such a weird concept, and it was made all the better for having a cast that included Cameron Diaz.

Aw! I still remember watching "My Best Friend's Wedding" at the theatre. I was with my cousin and we had to sit among the first "sucky" rows of the theatre. I hate it, but once the film started I was in awe. It was beautiful, and I loved Cameron Diaz, even though I loved Julia Roberts more. I couldn't hate her because, well, who can blame a person whose in love? (don't dwell too deep on that question, it's not a secret) I'm just saying. 

For a while, "Gangs of New York" was a favorite of mine, until The Graduate. I know completely different. But I absolutely love this move. I love Daniel Day Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese and Cameron Diaz. Who would've known that she could pull an accent like that? Aw, I think I'm going to pull out this move and watch it right now. If only it wasn't 3 hours long.

If we were stuck in the Golden Era, Cameron Diaz would've long won an Oscar for being one of those actresses who can pull off comedy. Sadly, all the Academy seems to care about is dark and bordering on mental roles. Hopefully this blonde beauty gets hers because it's long overdue.


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