Showing posts with label Lindsay Lohan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsay Lohan. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lindsay Lohan & dot dot dot

I seem to blog about a lot of actresses, just thought I'd get that out there. Anyway. Lindsay Lohan is in the news again, as if she ever left, but I feel the need to spill my guts out about her. I like her.

I like her freckles. I like her raspy, sounds-a-lot-older-than-she-really-is voice. I like her hands. I like her 5-year-old smile. I like how she acts. I am a fan, what can I say. There's no denying she's a troubled starlet, but whenever I'm in line to pay for my groceries as Target and see her on the cover of People or Us, I always find myself hoping that she will bounce back on her two white feet a la Robert Downey Jr. (even though I don't really know what happened there, I just refer to it because everyone else does - I'm too young to really know what happened there).

I root for Lindsay. I know she can win an Oscar. She's a star. She' better than Emma Stone and Kristen Stewart, despite how much I like both of them. She's better than any young actress and all those actresses have jobs because Lindsay is out there dangling with hers. I shouldn't have said that. I say Lindsay on The Tonight Show. I was this close to getting tickets because I wanted to see Kristin Chenoweth, but had school. Man, I regret missing The Tonight Show for school now. But anyway, this isn't about me. It's about Lindsay. I'm excited to see her star in a movie in the future. I'm excited to see her on the cover of Nylon and Elle and Vogue, and maybe write a short story on the 'Shouts & Murmurs' section of The New Yorker.

There's three parts to the Lindsay Lohan Tonight Show interview, but you should definitely check it out. The answers are probably rehearsed, but Lindsay looks nice and it's just nice to see her not being surrounded by flashing lights and gloomy settings.